Blog - King Swings Commercial

Don’t Miss Our Residential Playground Line - King Swings Commercial

Written by Justin Doutrich | May 12, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Did you know that King Swings Commercial also has a residential line of playgrounds?

Our residential line is the birthplace of King Swings Commercial. Over 32 years ago, Ben King started a small residential swing set shop in his barn. His sons joined him, and the business grew under Ben’s hand.

Ben’s son, Elmer, took over the company when Ben decided to step back. Elmer aimed to make King Swings a household name, and the swing set company took off under his guidance. Fast forward a few years, and King Swings was serving states from Maine to Florida, from New Jersey to select California locations.

Our residential line is built around the idea that people like clear pricing, simple processes, and a good high-quality product that is delivered and installed. Sound familiar? These are the same values King Swings Commercial holds.

If you are looking for a residential swing set, check out

What separates our residential line from many other high-quality brands?


Our prices are not locked behind an email wall. You don’t have to request a quote to see what the playground would cost. We even have a blog post dedicated to revealing how our delivery and installation zones work and how much each zone costs.

Our love for clarity benefits our customers by making them well-educated before talking to one of our reps. It gives our customers confidence in what they purchase because they have seen it on our website, our Instagram, watched a video, read a blog post, and an email.

We do our best to set correct expectations. We want what you see and expect to be the reality of what is delivered and installed in your backyard. From telling you the truth that, yes, all slides get hot in the sun, and no, you really don’t need a mulch bed, we are interested in serving you, not padding the sale.


We know that many of our customers are buying more and more items site unseen. Businesses like Carvana and Airbnb rely on their pictures, videos, and articles to convince you to put down a chunk of change on something you haven’t seen in real life.

We get it. It can feel scary to do this. We do our best to remove as much of that fear as possible with as many videos and photos as possible. You can watch me clamber all over the swing sets, see me go down the slides, climb, and generally make a fool out of myself. By the end, even though you never laid eyes on the actual product, you will have a very good understanding of the size and shape of the swing set.

Manufacturer Direct

Being manufacturer-direct is the best way to do swing sets.

Our sales team can walk out the door into our manufacturing bays and discuss designs with our manufacturing heads. On top of that, our sales team members are dedicated to swing sets, nothing else. All they do is design swing sets day in, day out, so you know they know what they are talking about.

Our install crews get amazing reviews. From our install leads to trailer loaders, our in-house delivery and installation process provides an exceptional experience.

And if something goes wrong, our customer service team can simply walk over to the sales team, scheduler, or manufacturer’s head.

Manufacturer direct is a clean, simple process from beginning to end.


If you landed on our commercial playground website but need a residential playground, click here. This will get you back on track.

Many of the values that separate us from our residential competitors are true for our commercial line. We have dedicated ourselves to providing an exceptional customer experience. If you have any questions regarding our residential or commercial lines, give us a call! We would love to help you out!